Mandala and the Self Workshop
Discover and Express the Self through the Mandala: Creativity, Meditation and Ritual
The word Mandala comes from the ancient script Sanskrit and means the center and the outer edge of a circle simultaneously.
Mandalas are "painting like patterns" within the boundary of a circle.
The outer border reflects the psychological boundary that separates oneself from the outer world or other persons, while the contents of the Mandala lead the viewer onwards and inwards to the center This is a natural urge within us-to search out the center of our own inner being.
Creating a mandala is a unique method of visual self-expression-an inner self-portrait. The process itself is part of the creator's journey from one state of awareness to another, captured within the Mandala by each pattern, form,color and shape - significant symbols for that journey
It is a symbolic diagram, an ancient art form used in many cultures as an aid to reach our inner selves. As a result Mandalas are often linked with religion or psychology.
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